There is no hell

Or maybe there is.  I’ll explain why it might later.  But first let’s examine the traditional idea of heaven.  I’m not going to go into the crazy Zombie Aunt Jackie heaven image that Alan put into my head in September.  But the traditional idea of heaven is a bright place in the clouds with God and Jesus and all your dead friends and family and pets.  Everyone has wings and a harp and there’s no more pain and no more death.  But what does one do there?  Do the departed just sit around plucking their harps for all eternity?  That’s sound like a version of hell to me.

The concept of hell is very powerful for keeping people in fear.  If people are in fear, they will follow what you say.  I was terrified of hell as a small child.  As a teen I was confident that my love for the zombie god would bring me eternal life.  As an adult, I realized that hell is a necessary for people, but certainly does not exist.  We need hell to wish our enemies away to.  The 9/11 hijackers are certaining burning in hell. It makes us feel good that bad people will get punished when it is highly likely they won’t.

If there is anything after we die, and I’m not saying there is, there is very likely not the same level of consciousness we have in life.  Most people think it is a higher level of consciousness.  But logically it is probably a lower level.  In the second Harry Potter book, Ginny was warned to never trust anything unless you can see it’s brain.  Our brain is the creator of our life awareness.  Without it, there is no more life.  I’ll use a computer analogy. While living we are a CPU and harddrive.  We continually add experiences and memories.  After death, we become a read-only DVD ROM.  Our soul still exists but no more data can be added to it as we are dead.  No brain = no more data input.

I’m not saying this is the answer.  Since there are so many version of who gets into heaven and what heaven is, it’s clear that God didn’t give us a direct answer and everything is just made up.  Whoever says they know what happens after death is either a lier, been lied to, delusion, or crazy.  Most people fall into the “been lied to” category but have believed it for so long there’s no room for discussion.  Someone made up the truppets and pearly gates version of heaven and over the generations it was taken as fact.  But if there is something, mine is certainly a more plausible answer than what most people believe.  Now if you have lived a rotten life, your DVD ROM will be filled with rotten memories.  One spends all of eternity with these regretable memories and that could be hell.  So if you don’t live a good a rightous life, your own memories could send you to hell.  I’m just sayin, be nice to people.  Don’t take their rights away.

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